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DALL·E 2024-09-10 19.14.08 - An impressionist-style symbolic painting that seamlessly blen

Monthly Transformational Breathwork Workshop (online)

🖥️ Online | face-to-face in 🇫🇷Paris 2x/month |
Each month, we address an archetypal theme for in-depth liberation work.

DALL·E 2024-04-18 19.39.54 - A closer black and white photo focusing on the left hand of t

October 2024 - Take Action



Date: Thursday, September 26th, 2024, 7:00 PM (Paris time)

Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Location: Online (Videoconference, link and password provided in the ticket received by email)

Price: Sliding scale from €21 to €41 depending on your means




For this session, we will TAKE ACTION.

What is my relationship with taking action? What happens for me between desire and creation, between idea and realization? Between thought and matter? Am I someone who could contribute so much, but feel limited, stuck by mental habits, irrational fears, or confusion when it comes to bringing my most cherished projects to life?

We will explore the blockages, repressions, and procrastination that occur within us and prevent us from moving towards our deep desires.




To prepare you, the session will include 4 parts:


    •    A short welcoming circle for introductions

    •    A briefing on the process you will experience (Transformational Breathwork), why it exists, and what to expect

    •    The breathing session, approximately 1 hour

    •    A closing circle for debriefing and immediate feedback




You will need a good internet connection, quality sound (preferably headphones or earphones that stay in place), and to be in a space where you won’t be disturbed throughout the session. Ideally, find a place where you can scream without worrying about disturbing others.

It’s best not to eat in the 2 hours before the session and not to drink too much within the hour before.

Wear comfortable, loose clothing, with a sweater and pants you can remove if needed.

Set yourself up in a cozy place where you feel good and won’t be interrupted during the session—your bedroom is likely ideal.

Bring cushions and a blanket.




Transformational Breathwork is a process of somatic release through breathing.

We will breathe deeply and for a long time.

The goal is to put your brain in “admin mode” and create space for tensions caused by past traumas/shocks (whether small or significant) to flow out of the body in a safe environment.

This is not a relaxation technique (at least not at the beginning), and it requires your active participation to truly work (although it is entirely possible to stay on the surface during the session and still find something interesting, it is not what I will encourage you to do).

It is inspired by well-known techniques such as Holotropic Breathwork and Rebirthing, which have already proven effective in the Anglo-Saxon world with tens of thousands of practitioners.

It is guided by voice throughout the session, supported by background music aligned with the session’s theme to facilitate immersion.




While Transformational Breathwork is a powerful and safe practice, it is not recommended in the following cases:


    •    Cardiovascular issues (chronic, or requiring hospitalization within the last 5 years), arrhythmia

    •    Epilepsy

    •    Chronic respiratory issues (exception for asthma, provided you bring your inhaler)

    •    Osteoporosis at a level where abrupt movements could cause injury

    •    Strong neurological/psychological disorders (especially if you are on antidepressant or anxiolytic medication)

    •    Retinal detachment

    •    Untreated/severe PTSD

    •    Pregnancy

    •    Untreated hypertension or hypotension

    •    Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or psychosis

    •    Any recent major surgery


For any of these cases, you will need to consult your doctor beforehand and send me a medical certificate clearing you to practice breathwork (this practice is very similar to Holotropic Breathwork in its physiological effects, if the practitioner asks). You can send the certificate to:




To ensure a safe working space for everyone, this session will not be recorded.

It is also important to arrive on time, as the opening circle is crucial for creating a safe container where everyone feels secure to release blockages and emotions. As such, it will not be possible to join the videoconference after 7:05 PM. Please be ready (and connected) at least 10 minutes before the event starts. The room will open at 6:55 PM.




I am experimenting with a sliding scale, including a Low Budget option (€21), with a limited number of spots, and a Support option (€41) for those who can sponsor a Low Budget spot. The suggested price is €31.

I'm signing up for the workshop!

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