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General Conditions of Sale (CGV)


Welcome to Clément Marceau’s website, dedicated to somatic coaching and transformational breathwork workshops. These General Conditions of Sale (CGV) define the terms of our commercial relations. By accessing and using Clément Marceau's services, you accept these General Terms and Conditions in their entirety.


  • Client: Any natural or legal person purchasing services offered by Clément Marceau.

  • Service(s): All sessions, courses, and workshops offered by Clément Marceau, online or in person.

  • Clément Marceau: Refers indifferently to Clément Marceau or its representatives, employees, and directors in the context of the activity carried out.

  • Party(ies): Refers without distinction to Clément Marceau or the Client.

Registration and Access to Services

Access to the services requires registration of the customer, who must provide truthful and up-to-date information. Clément Marceau reserves the right to refuse access to the services to any customer who does not respect the terms of these General Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual property

The content provided by Clément Marceau is protected by intellectual property law and remains the exclusive property of Clément Marceau. Their use without prior written consent from Clément Marceau is strictly prohibited.

Limitation of Liability

Clément Marceau cannot guarantee a specific result following the use of its services. Clément Marceau cannot be held responsible in the event of misuse of the techniques taught or incidents resulting from their practice. The client is responsible for ensuring that their physical and mental condition is compatible with the practices taught.

Modification of the Services or the General Terms and Conditions

Clément Marceau reserves the right to modify the services and the T&Cs at any time. Customers will be subject to the General Terms and Conditions in force at the time of their registration, unless modifications are necessary to comply with the law.


In the event of a dispute, Clément Marceau and the customer will endeavor to find an amicable solution. Failing this, for online services, the competent courts will be those of the defendant's place of residence (France). For face-to-face services, French law applies by default, with compliance with the mandatory local laws of the country of service if necessary.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. Any dispute will be submitted to the competent French courts, unless otherwise required by the country in which the face-to-face services are provided.

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