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Integration of a Transformational Breathwork session

Importance of integration

  • Generally speaking, the integration of such an intense breathing session is of equal importance with the session itself.

  • It is therefore important to give yourself time and space to let your system complete the process started during the session


That’s all well and good, but what is “integrating” an experience?

It's everything that allows you to integrate what you have experienced, opened, passed on, transformed into your daily life, so that it does not just remain an intense experience, but that your session has a real impact on your system. on the long term.

Experience lasting changes after a Transformational Breathwork session

  • For the effects of emotional releases/unblocking of old patterns to be lasting in your system, it is important to give time and attention to the days that follow, to go more slowly and consciously in what you do and to give care

  • Ideally, having a daily practice of regulating the nervous system really supports the work that has been done, and anchors the states that you wish to experience on a daily basis in place of those that led you to the practice of intensive breathwork.

  • You will find abundant resources on this subject online, notably on this site, and I offer 1:1 sessions to assess somatic habits and support in creating a routine that supports you. Don't hesitate to ask me for a respiratory coaching session.

My post-session advice

Give yourself gentleness & welcome what is there

  • In general, take particular care of yourself in the few days following the session

  • Sleep as much as your body seems to need

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Eat as healthy (and happy) as you can

  • Avoid stressful environments and situations that usually cause anxiety in you

  • Do things that put your nervous system at ease and don't strain the machine too much, whether at work or in your personal life.

  • You will really benefit from observing your states (emotional, physiological) in this phase, and taking note of them in a journal for example.

  • You may experience unusual emotions during this phase, and feel destabilized. You will get the most benefit by welcoming as much as possible what comes out with curiosity and compassion: your system updates and lets go of the feelings of past experiences that it had no room to go through when they took place. Everything is fine, and everything passes.

Continue work in progress

  • If you want to take advantage of what emerges proactively, you could carry out spontaneous creative practices, such as free writing, painting, movement or dancing, to music that you love and inspire you according to what is there to You

  • In general, my perception of things is that the more you can “dance”, literally and symbolically, what emerges for you, the more the transformation can happen naturally, quickly and joyfully.

  • We can also schedule an individual session of Transformational Breathwork together to deepen the work started during the workshop. Contact me to talk about it.

Avoid big decisions immediately after the session

  • You may come out of the session with quite strong and new positive or negative desires. This is quite common, and it is not uncommon for these emotions/sensations to settle into a more peaceful version over the following days...this is precisely the integration

  • For this reason, I advise not to make any decisions that would structurally impact your lifestyle, your relationships, your work until a fortnight (or however long seems right from there) from the Transformational Breathwork session. . It is also a precaution that I apply after each intense event in my life.

How long does it take for my integration?

  • The answer to this question largely depends on your feelings during and after the session: the more intense it was, the more time and attention I suggest dedicating to it afterwards

  • In all cases, I suggest a minimum time of 48 hours of close attention after a session

What if I don't feel "complete" after my session?

  • It happens that we come out of a session with the impression that a door has been opened but not closed, that the process is still ongoing, and that we feel stress, anxiety, a state of depression, strong emotions

  • It is possible and healthy: in this case it is likely that the session allowed a vast and well-guarded subject to emerge for you, and that this subject needs more space and attention to be fully released. . This is your opportunity to learn more about your system and take care of it more than ever.

Give yourself a real space-time to finish letting what wants to pass circulate

  • Take a few days OFF

  • Plan a space where you feel particularly good

  • Take care of yourself, eat and drink things that make you feel good (psychologically and physically), get a massage, practice gentle physical activity (spontaneous dance, yoga, stretching), meditate, breathe, walk in nature, interact with people you find inspiring

  • Share what is happening to you with one or more people in whom you particularly trust, from whom you will have unconditional, enlightened and always caring support. It could be your therapist, a support group you already attend, a very close friend, your partner. Be careful in choosing the person(s) you share with, it is important that you feel completely comfortable and validated in your experience. If you have a doubt, there is no doubt: find someone with whom sharing will go better.

If you need additional support, schedule a session with your therapist on this specific topic

  • He/she will be able to support you and play the role of a caring mirror of what you are going through.

We can create a 1:1 Transformational Breathwork session for you

  • in order to deepen and complete the work started during this session

  • The session will be personalized on the specific topic that came out for you, regardless of the theme of the workshop you attended

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